The Paralegal Society of Kenya (PSK) formerly Paralegal Support Network (PASUNE) was formed in 2000 as a consortium of Human Rights Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) undertaking the Paralegal Approach initiatives as a means of enhancing access to justice in Kenya through legal aid, training, and awareness. The vision was to ensure access to legal aid for the marginalized and poor by having at least two trained paralegals in each sub-location within the Republic of Kenya. PSK is a membership organization which is currently governed by four (4) organizations that are actively involved and engaged with its work namely International Commission for Jurists (ICJ) – Kenya being the Chair, Legal Resources Foundation being the Secretary, Kituo Cha Sheria being the treasurer and Ecumenical Centre for Justice and Peace (ECJP) being a member.
PSK has its affairs coordinated by the Secretariat consisting of a Coordinator who is hosted at Legal Resources Foundation Trust (LRF). The objective of the coalition is to build the paralegal capacity through a standardized curriculum, training and paralegal services including legal aid, court user committees, dispute resolution mechanisms, referral pathway mechanisms, legal awareness, sustainability of the paralegal approach, development of a paralegal policy, and interface of the paralegals with the lawyers (bar) and judicial officers (bench) in conformity with the Constitution 2010, the Legal Aid and Awareness Policy, Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2014 on the Human Rights Policy and Action Plan, the Judicial Service Act 2011, Legal Aid Act 2016 and the Small Claims Court 2016.
The utilisation of the paralegal model which is more cost effective than the use of lawyers or advocates, provides easy access to ensure access to justice is available to the poor, vulnerable, minority or marginalized groups. PSK continues to support and work closely with the National Legal Aid Service in the implementation of the Legal Aid Act, 2016, and other important actors in the National Council of Administration of Justice (NCAJ).
A premier paralegal society that promotes professional paralegal services.
To provide quality, efficient and coordinated paralegal services through training, legal aid, dispute resolution and policy advocacy in Kenya.
PSK has two key result areas i.e., Legitimacy of paralegals as key components in the delivery of justice and Institutionalized corporate governance in the Paralegal Society of Kenya.
- Uphold and defend the Constitution of Kenya and advance the rule of law on access to justice;
- Promote and provide quality and accessible paralegal services nationally;
- Promote, set, maintain and coordinate paralegal profession standards, training, ethics and practice in Kenya and the region;
- Promote, protect, facilitate, develop and coordinate the capacity, legal knowledge, interests and wellbeing of the members of the Society;
- Research, lobby and advocate for policy, legislation, regulations and administrative actions that promote legal aid, access to justice and the paralegal approach;
- Promote and provide legal education and awareness, aid and assistance, accompaniment and counseling for the vulnerable, minority and marginalized people and groups;
- Promote the use of strategic litigation and intermediary services in court, tribunal, alternative justice systems and other mechanisms;
Guiding Principles
- Inclusion and Non-Discrimination;
- Innovation and Creativity;
- Integrity and Accountability;
- Partnership and Solidarity;
- Professional Ethics and Standards; and
- Stewardship and Leadership.